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  • Writer's pictureJonathan Redwine

What You'll Get.

As I'm going around talking to our neighbors about this run and asking for signatures on my petition to be on the ballot, most inevitably ask what I stand for - how I can improve our local government - or what I think about issues like the new library, property taxes, transportation, or the environment. I'm happy to talk about any issue that our Township can impact, but I think the most important thing for voters to understand is the way I will approach governance and how I see service in local government.

I believe in being a pro-active leader. That means that if an issue is presented by concerned residents, or is clearly something that needs to be addressed, I will focus my energy to address that issue and recognize that delay, endless debate, or indecision costs our town and our residents. As this campaign goes on, I will be talking about specific examples from this year and the specific harm that hesitation can cause. If I am able to serve on Town Council, know that from me you will get a representative who is happy to work with anyone who is interested in moving our town forward. I will be focused on action and accountability, prioritizing sustainable solutions and maximizing the incredible resources that West Orange has.

We need people in our town government who will quickly address issues to provide resolution and who will improve financial management, prioritize sustainability and environmental preservation to preserve and improve quality of life in West Orange.

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Info About Me!

TapInto West Orange published a candidate profile of me today. Please let me know if you have questions!


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