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  • Writer's pictureJonathan Redwine

My Petition Era. (I'm Not Taylor Swift)

As I announced this week, I am launching a run for one of three seats up for election this year on the West Orange Town Council. To be on the ballot, I need to gather 400 signatures on a petition to demonstrate that 400 people who are registered to vote in West Orange agree that my independent voice should be included in the mix of candidates who will appear on the ballot this fall. I've been knocking on doors asking folks to sign, and gotten great feedback at (almost) every door!

I'm a big believer in setting up process that leads to success, so I've been asking for petitions signatures in several ways. Friends have agreed to gather some, my good friend Cindy Matute-Brown sent a letter to everyone who signed petitions for her, I'm going door-to-door and showing up at small events to awkwardly ask for signatures (it works!), and now I'm asking folks to are reading this post to consider helping by printing a copy of this petition, filling in your address, signature and printed name, and returning it to the address on the form (my house!). No need to fill in Ward and District - I'll look those up for you. Every registered voter who lives in your house can sign a separate form! And if its easier, I am happy to stop by to pick up the form, chat about my candidacy or anything else you'd like. Just drop me an email at

Your signature will help ensure that my independent voice is included in this election and will mean that I get to participate in debates and appear on the ballot. It is the first step to becoming a candidate.

Thank you!

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Info About Me!

TapInto West Orange published a candidate profile of me today. Please let me know if you have questions!


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